PSMonkey Says Goodbye To Homebrew Scene

Sadly, a well-known member of the PSP Homebrew community has to leave the scene. According to a public letter that PSmonkey has posted on his website, he is forced to stop releasing homebrews to the public because of his new job with one of the major publishers of PSP games. He did not name the company that he now works for, but he did note that his contract restricts him from making further contributions to the homebrew community. Bye!

However, he did say that his two most popular projects Iris (an FPS) and Sandbox (a physics demo) will be taken up by fellow-enthusiasts, as stated in part of his letter.

“Yes Iris 0.3 is still coming. I have a few people interested in redoing the game like I intended as well as continue to progress KohKae engine.

Sandbox is also not going anywhere. One of this scene’s great coders is going to pick up where I left off to continue the game.

Regarding my other projects, I personally will continue my fight to conker N64 & DD emulation on the PSP. M64 will still continue but no releases will be made public. I will how ever make my DD research public once finished.

ngPsp 1.3 ( the neogeo pocket emu) is still coming, A friend is gonna finish writing a GUI for my latest version.

Other then that, sadly all my other work is now dead (new fps will migrate into Iris 0.3, beat-em-up is dead).

That’s it.

I will still lurk around and try to help people out with technical info but it will be sad to no longer work on homebrew for the scene I loved so much. Yet who knows what the future will bring and maybe I will end up being in a position that it’s legally possible for me to do homebrew again.”

So until then, we say “thank you” for all the tips and most of all, for the games.

Sadly, a well-known member of the PSP Homebrew community has to leave the scene. According to a public letter that PSmonkey has posted on his website, he is forced to stop releasing homebrews to the public because of his new job with one of the major publishers of PSP games. He did not name the company that he now works for, but he did note that his contract restricts him from making further contributions to the homebrew community. Bye!

However, he did say that his two most popular projects Iris (an FPS) and Sandbox (a physics demo) will be taken up by fellow-enthusiasts, as stated in part of his letter.

“Yes Iris 0.3 is still coming. I have a few people interested in redoing the game like I intended as well as continue to progress KohKae engine.

Sandbox is also not going anywhere. One of this scene’s great coders is going to pick up where I left off to continue the game.

Regarding my other projects, I personally will continue my fight to conker N64 & DD emulation on the PSP. M64 will still continue but no releases will be made public. I will how ever make my DD research public once finished.

ngPsp 1.3 ( the neogeo pocket emu) is still coming, A friend is gonna finish writing a GUI for my latest version.

Other then that, sadly all my other work is now dead (new fps will migrate into Iris 0.3, beat-em-up is dead).

That’s it.

I will still lurk around and try to help people out with technical info but it will be sad to no longer work on homebrew for the scene I loved so much. Yet who knows what the future will bring and maybe I will end up being in a position that it’s legally possible for me to do homebrew again.”

So until then, we say “thank you” for all the tips and most of all, for the games.

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