PSP Heart Rate Monitor v1

Here’s another new application for the PSP that’s bound to get some hearts racing. Art has released the PSP Heart Rate Monitor v1, an application that basically turns your PSP into a heart rate monitor, provided you have the necessary equipment.

It takes a bit of technical know-how to get a heart rate monitor connected to Sony‘s handheld, though Art explains the basic process in his forum post:

As you probably guessed this needs a bit of a hardware hack to get it working, but for anyone who can solder, it’s a snap. Just a coil of copper wire connected across the PSP microphone input becomes the antenna for a wireless chest transmitter. The coil must be so close to the transmitter that it’s “virtually wired” now.

Despite this, enterprising individuals can actually hack an HRM now with this nifty application. According to the readme (which is basically a must-read for this application), the program was tested on 3.03 OE, but should work on other firmwares as well. In any case, give it a try, and see if you can’t get the interface up on your PSPs, at least. In the meantime, you can also view the video below for more information.

Download: PSP Heart Rate Monitor v1
Visit: PSP Development Forums

Here’s another new application for the PSP that’s bound to get some hearts racing. Art has released the PSP Heart Rate Monitor v1, an application that basically turns your PSP into a heart rate monitor, provided you have the necessary equipment.

It takes a bit of technical know-how to get a heart rate monitor connected to Sony‘s handheld, though Art explains the basic process in his forum post:

As you probably guessed this needs a bit of a hardware hack to get it working, but for anyone who can solder, it’s a snap. Just a coil of copper wire connected across the PSP microphone input becomes the antenna for a wireless chest transmitter. The coil must be so close to the transmitter that it’s “virtually wired” now.

Despite this, enterprising individuals can actually hack an HRM now with this nifty application. According to the readme (which is basically a must-read for this application), the program was tested on 3.03 OE, but should work on other firmwares as well. In any case, give it a try, and see if you can’t get the interface up on your PSPs, at least. In the meantime, you can also view the video below for more information.

Download: PSP Heart Rate Monitor v1
Visit: PSP Development Forums

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