UMD Emulation on Firmware 2.6! *Update*

0okmUPDATE #2: Wow! 0okm has already released a proof-of-concept application which mounts ISOs to the UMD Drive! Although the emulated games can’t be loaded as yet, it’s only a matter of time before this feat is accomplished. And no, we will not host the file on our own servers, sorry.

As always, we are reporting this because it is big news, not just for pirates but for the normal public as well. This is one of the first few kernel-mode applications for firmware upwards of 1.5, and we could hope for a lot more ‘legal’ homebrew in the time to come…

UPDATE: I had a talk with 0okm. And yes, this does mean an ISO loader for 2.6, and for the unlucky TA-082 people who can’t downgrade. He hasn’t revealed the rest of the source code for mounting the ISO, but rest assured that he has it somewhere.

Alright folks, we do not condone the use of ISO loaders and everything and we do love great programming and hacking when we see it. And personally, 0okm is one of the must-watch people on my list. He keeps churning out those hardware hacks like there’s no tomorrow.

Well, he also creates software…and how! The latest entry in his blog states that he has been able to emulate a UMD on firmware 2.60. Now until I get some more info out of him, I can’t be sure exactly of what he meant. But think about Humma Kavula’s UMD Emulator and you’ll get a hint of what I’m talking about.

Here’s his comment:

Success Emulate UMD on FW2.60:
Open and Read ISO file by

SceUID fd = sceIoOpen(“disc0:/xxx”, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777);
sceIoRead(fd, buffer, size);

LoadExec ISO by

sceKernelLoadExec(“disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/BOOT.BIN”, &param);

Frankly, I don’t care about ISO Loaders; I use my PSP mostly/only for homebrew. But I do know that there is another side to the PSP homebrew scene, and I know most of them will be happy after reading this. We will keep you guys updated on any info 0okm releases. Stay tuned!

Via 0okm

0okmUPDATE #2: Wow! 0okm has already released a proof-of-concept application which mounts ISOs to the UMD Drive! Although the emulated games can’t be loaded as yet, it’s only a matter of time before this feat is accomplished. And no, we will not host the file on our own servers, sorry.

As always, we are reporting this because it is big news, not just for pirates but for the normal public as well. This is one of the first few kernel-mode applications for firmware upwards of 1.5, and we could hope for a lot more ‘legal’ homebrew in the time to come…

UPDATE: I had a talk with 0okm. And yes, this does mean an ISO loader for 2.6, and for the unlucky TA-082 people who can’t downgrade. He hasn’t revealed the rest of the source code for mounting the ISO, but rest assured that he has it somewhere.

Alright folks, we do not condone the use of ISO loaders and everything and we do love great programming and hacking when we see it. And personally, 0okm is one of the must-watch people on my list. He keeps churning out those hardware hacks like there’s no tomorrow.

Well, he also creates software…and how! The latest entry in his blog states that he has been able to emulate a UMD on firmware 2.60. Now until I get some more info out of him, I can’t be sure exactly of what he meant. But think about Humma Kavula’s UMD Emulator and you’ll get a hint of what I’m talking about.

Here’s his comment:

Success Emulate UMD on FW2.60:
Open and Read ISO file by

SceUID fd = sceIoOpen(“disc0:/xxx”, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777);
sceIoRead(fd, buffer, size);

LoadExec ISO by

sceKernelLoadExec(“disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/BOOT.BIN”, &param);

Frankly, I don’t care about ISO Loaders; I use my PSP mostly/only for homebrew. But I do know that there is another side to the PSP homebrew scene, and I know most of them will be happy after reading this. We will keep you guys updated on any info 0okm releases. Stay tuned!

Via 0okm

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