PSP homebrew – DayPR Installer
Are you looking for a quick and easy way to install the latest update of lilmnm’s homebrew cheat utility DayPR? Well, he’s back to release DayPR Installer, a homebrew app that installs DayPR Rev.6 beta in your ISO folder.
Download: DayPR Installer
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forum
Are you looking for a quick and easy way to install the latest update of lilmnm’s homebrew cheat utility DayPR? Well, he’s back to release DayPR Installer, a homebrew app that installs DayPR Rev.6 beta in your ISO folder.
Developer’s note:
As you can see this is a CSO I got bored during the writing of this so eh thought of something new to use. This Installer Installes DayPR Rev.6 — Beta! but this one has some holiday themes in it. This installer Writes to your Game.txt.
- Put the CSO into Your ISO folder in the root of your memory Stick and run it this installer creats the files for you.
- BUT this installer dose not install and cheats for you you can get some from the app called CheatUP or if you used
- DayPR Before then don’t worry about the cheats.
Download: DayPR Installer
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forum