PSP homebrew – EmuMaster v3.00

pspblue_thumbHomebrew coder Genesis Vids sent us a tip about the latest release of his Game Boy, Sega Master and Game Gear emulator for the PlayStation Portable, EmuMaster. Formerly known as MasterBoy, the latest  version of the brew includes some minor speed ups, a few bug fixes and  more game enhancements.


Download: EmuMaster v3.00

Homebrew coder Genesis Vids sent us a tip about the latest release of his Game Boy, Sega Master and Game Gear emulator for the PlayStation Portable, EmuMaster. Formerly known as MasterBoy, the latest  version of the brew includes some minor speed ups, a few bug fixes and  more game enhancements.





  • load roms 5% speed up
  • fixed mario error
  • can now play metroid with color patch
  • new name EmuMaster
  • new images


Download: EmuMaster v3.00

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