PSP homebrew game – BreakOut4PSP v0.8
Looking for more games to add in your homebrew archive. Well checkout the latest version of Geecko’s BreakOut4PSP, a homebrew adaptation of the classic Atari arcade game Breakout. The latest update of the brew includes – new levels, tabs editor, minor code cleanups and various other improvements.
Download: BreakOut4PSP v0.8
Download: BreakOut4PSP v0.8 source
Looking for more games to add in your homebrew archive. Well checkout the latest version of Geecko’s BreakOut4PSP, a homebrew adaptation of the classic Atari arcade game Breakout. The latest update of the brew includes – new levels, tabs editor, minor code cleanups and various other improvements.
Feature list (translated):
- Coded in C, using direct and pspgu IntraFont.
- 33 levels.
- A complete level editor, since the PSP.
- Moving bricks, explosive, indestructible …
- A system of switch-level innovation.
- A system of life.
- Graphics by Kavel-SS
- Management of themes and language files (translated into English, German, Turkish).
- The source code is available!
Changelog (translated):
- Translation in German, Turkish
- Support of boost (UTF-8)
- The levels are edited automatically loaded when played
- The tabs of the editor change size to avoid overflow of text
- Detection of levels “invalid”, ie where there are no bricks to break to win
- Slight code improvement
- Joystick to move the paddle
- The credits are no longer part of the translated files (always in English)
- Some new levels
Download: BreakOut4PSP v0.8
Download: BreakOut4PSP v0.8 source