PSP homebrew – Goear PSP v1.2
Homebrew coder clizana has dropped by our forums to release a critical update of Goear PSP, a homebrew application capable of searching and downloading songs directly from music site to your memory stick.
Download: Goear PSP v1.2
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forum
Homebrew coder clizana has dropped by our forums to release a critical update of Goear PSP, a homebrew application capable of searching and downloading songs directly from music site to your memory stick.
Developer’s note:
Goear PSP is a homebrew created to search and download songs to the memory stick from the music site (also called the youtube of mp3’s).
This new version has a critical update because goear change a little bit the system.
- Triangle: Change Language
- Circle: Enter the text for a new search
- Square: Fast download*
- Cross: Download* and select the filename
- L1: Prev. Result page
- R1: Next Result page
- Select: Help
Version 1.2 changelog:
- Fixed critical bug in the search for songs
- Added a toolbar and the percentage discharge.
Download: Goear PSP v1.2
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forum
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