PSP homebrew – Goear PSP v2.0
Homebrew coder clizana has dropped by our forums to release an all new version of Goear PSP, a homebrew application capable of searching and downloading songs directly from the music site right onto your PSP’s memory stick. The latest update has added some new features, bug fixes and various other improvements.
Download: Goear PSP v2.0
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
Homebrew coder clizana has dropped by our forums to release an all new version of Goear PSP, a homebrew application capable of searching and downloading songs directly from the music site right onto your PSP’s memory stick. The latest update has added some new features, bug fixes and various other improvements.
- Support multi languages improved. Now there’s no limit, just copied to a folder and are ready to use
- Support for skins. If you want you can customize your homebrew with your own skin, completely flexible when creating it.
- Preview of the songs. Before downloading sometimes we hear a little bit, now that’s possible.
- Download list. Download songs one at a time was boring, now we add to a list and subsequently downloaded (also supports download unit)
- Updater. This feature is important because if you change some parameter goear enough to schedule a small update and users to download from the homebrew.
- Added a main menu, options and more.
- Added a local music player, to test the songs we’ve downloaded.
- Setting near-total, as each time the homebrew starts, display a copyright message or advise if there is new updates.
Download: Goear PSP v2.0
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums