PSP homebrew – InsanerzShooter v0.5
Dev buddies batcha and mfdavid want to learn C++ so they made a space shooter, and there’s nothing like a nice space shooter when you don’t wanna grind over your current console games. How about giving this one a try?
Download: InsanerzShooter v0.5
Visit: PSP Development Forums
Dev buddies batcha and mfdavid want to learn C++ so they made a space shooter, and there’s nothing like a nice space shooter when you don’t wanna grind over your current console games. How about giving this one a try?
tinmanx from our forums was nice enough to provide screens for the game. It’s looking pretty good, good job batcha and mfdavid. Good luck with your C++ learning.
Download: InsanerzShooter v0.5
Visit: PSP Development Forums
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