SOS Princess Peach v1.5

SOS Princess Peach screenshot - Image 1Itching for Mario action? Here’s SOS Princess Peach version 1.5 by PSP homebrew developer pspflashsystem for the Sony PlayStation Portable. You’ll have to find out what kind of adventure the Italian plumber is in for this time by checking out the full article.

Download: SOS Princess Peach v1.5

SOS Princess Peach screenshot - Image 1Homebrew developer pspflashsystem just released an update for SOS Princess Peach to add a save feature among all things. The homebrew game for the Sony PlayStation Portable is now at version 1.5, looks better with improved graphics, and allows players to save their games.

You’re the famous Italian plumber, and your goal is to go through a vertical maze and find your way to Princess Peach. In this version of SOS Princess Peach, it’s possible to save your progress and there’s a bonus level with more difficult enemies, so living the life of Mario should be a lot more fun.

Additional background music and better visuals are also in the latest version, and since pspflashsystem is still accepting suggestions, we’re guessing there’s more to come. For now, you can find SOS Princess Peach v1.5 below.

Download: SOS Princess Peach v1.5

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