PSP homebrew – QMixer v1.0

qmixer_thumbIf DJ Max Portable and Timbaland’s Beaterator ain’t your thing, why not try Qarl & Soulless’ QMixer, a homebrew app that gives you the basic functions of a turntable, with features almost similar to Virtual DJ.



Download: QMixer v1.0




If DJ Max Portable and Timbaland’s Beaterator ain’t your thing, why not try Qarl & Soulless’ QMixer, a homebrew app that gives you the basic functions of a turntable, with features almost similar to Virtual DJ.


Feature list:

  • MP3 File Browser for all MS, always visible and quick handling.
  • Load two way simultaneous tracks (one in each plate).
  • Individual volume control for each track.
  • Crossfader.
  • Control playback for each track individually.
    • Play/Pause And Stop.
  • Visual indicators that show the status:
    • Stop-buttons and Play / Pause illuminated.
    • Plates rotating depending on the state of the track.
    • Level indicators of volume of each track.
    • Crossfader status indicator.
    • Name-indicator loaded tracks.
  •  Possibility to replace the sound effects:
    “Just put the desired effects in the folder “effects” with the name of the button when you want it play. The buttons are limited to: ▲, ■, x and o.
    “The effects must be in wav format with a speed Transmission of 1411kbps to be so correct and should not be very large in size.
  • Ability to do your own theme:
    Be guided only by the images that are in the folder “images”. In a future version can be chosen topics from the same application.

Download: QMixer v1.0




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