PSP homebrew – Update Trick v2.5
Chiri_13 from has released his new PSP homebrew application, designed to simulate a higher firmware ( and this is where the translation gets tricky) “to us that neither the PSN, or the latest game demos and we ask our Actulizer keep 5.00 or 5.02 GEN-A. Details for the release after the jump.
Download: Update Trick v2.5
Chiri_13 from has released his new PSP homebrew application, designed to simulate a higher firmware ( and this is where the translation gets tricky) “to us that neither the PSN, or the latest game demos and we ask our Actulizer keep 5.00 or 5.02 GEN-A.
Here are the details for this release:
- Emulates the new firmware 5.51.
- Translation into English.
- Improved Graphics.
- Improvements to the internal functioning.
- Now the background color is that we have put into the PSP.
This app has been tested in the following CFWs: 5.00 M33-3 / 5.00 M33-4 / 5.00 M33-5 / 5.00M33-6 / 5.02 GEN-A. As for its limitation, it obviously does not work with those lower than 5.00 M33-3. The other good news though is that it is perfectly compatible with both Phats and Slims.
To install:
- meter and Unzip in the folder PSP / GAME
- Enter the recovery and activate the “Use version.txt”
Download: Update Trick v2.5
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