PSP MOD Play v0.1 Released
Rainer Sinsch has released the PSP MOD Play v0.1. PSP MOD Play v0.1 is a MOD player for the PSP. The information about this version includes:
Installation notes (for PSP v1.5):
Extract the memory-stick folder to your memory-stick as it is. If you want more mod files just put them into the mods folder located at the root of your memory-stick.Features:
PSP-MODPlay plays all available MOD-files located at the /mods folder. Press “X” to cycle through them (no file browser yet). Everything will be played at stereo 44.1khz, including linear interpolation. Supported file types are all .MOD files: Sound-tracker, Star-tracker, Pro-tracker, etc – up to eight
channels.Please note that the included mod files where taken somewhere from the internet, respect the authors.
Known bugs:
mods folder is limited to 512 songs maxContact:
Rainer Sinsch (rsinsch[at]
You can download PSP MOD Play in our PSP download section [here].
Thanks to kojote from PDRoms for the email.
Currently, this application/game will only run on PSPs with firmware version 1.0 or 1.50. If you do not know which firmware version your PSP has, or if you need help installing this application/game on your PSP, check our Ultimate FAQ. If you have a higher firmware version than 1.50 on your PSP, you cannot run this program/game. To downgrade the firmware from a version higher than 1.50, please visit [here].
Rainer Sinsch has released the PSP MOD Play v0.1. PSP MOD Play v0.1 is a MOD player for the PSP. The information about this version includes:
Installation notes (for PSP v1.5):
Extract the memory-stick folder to your memory-stick as it is. If you want more mod files just put them into the mods folder located at the root of your memory-stick.Features:
PSP-MODPlay plays all available MOD-files located at the /mods folder. Press “X” to cycle through them (no file browser yet). Everything will be played at stereo 44.1khz, including linear interpolation. Supported file types are all .MOD files: Sound-tracker, Star-tracker, Pro-tracker, etc – up to eight
channels.Please note that the included mod files where taken somewhere from the internet, respect the authors.
Known bugs:
mods folder is limited to 512 songs maxContact:
Rainer Sinsch (rsinsch[at]
You can download PSP MOD Play in our PSP download section [here].
Thanks to kojote from PDRoms for the email.
Currently, this application/game will only run on PSPs with firmware version 1.0 or 1.50. If you do not know which firmware version your PSP has, or if you need help installing this application/game on your PSP, check our Ultimate FAQ. If you have a higher firmware version than 1.50 on your PSP, you cannot run this program/game. To downgrade the firmware from a version higher than 1.50, please visit [here].