PSP Summer Homebrew Competition: The way things were…

PSP Homebrew

Wow… apparently our attempt to make everyone happy has failed miserably. Maybe we were out of our minds, maybe we were completely wrong, maybe the whole thought of adjusting the rules to compensate for some confusing wording was based in insanity. But that aside, realize that we DO listen to our users, and the majority of you seem to think we’ve gone complete farbot.

So, in what is surely an even more confusing move, everyone should disregard the earlier message about the coding competition. We do have some very nice entries from developers who DID follow the rules – and rules are rules. We apologize to those who may have been confused by the rules as stated and released their programs elsewhere, but unfortunately those programs will need to be disqualified.

So – game on! Everyone who sent in a qualifying entry by last Sunday will be judged (if there are more than 10 entries that qualify) and the public polls will open on August 27th! Our thanks to EVERYONE who submitted, whether you qualified or not. It is all of you who keep the PSP Homebrew scene alive and well. Congrats!

However, the one guideline we will cheat on is that all entrants will be given Developer status on our forums which means Premium Membership… surely no one has a problem with that little smudge of the rules. 😉

PSP Homebrew

Wow… apparently our attempt to make everyone happy has failed miserably. Maybe we were out of our minds, maybe we were completely wrong, maybe the whole thought of adjusting the rules to compensate for some confusing wording was based in insanity. But that aside, realize that we DO listen to our users, and the majority of you seem to think we’ve gone complete farbot.

So, in what is surely an even more confusing move, everyone should disregard the earlier message about the coding competition. We do have some very nice entries from developers who DID follow the rules – and rules are rules. We apologize to those who may have been confused by the rules as stated and released their programs elsewhere, but unfortunately those programs will need to be disqualified.

So – game on! Everyone who sent in a qualifying entry by last Sunday will be judged (if there are more than 10 entries that qualify) and the public polls will open on August 27th! Our thanks to EVERYONE who submitted, whether you qualified or not. It is all of you who keep the PSP Homebrew scene alive and well. Congrats!

However, the one guideline we will cheat on is that all entrants will be given Developer status on our forums which means Premium Membership… surely no one has a problem with that little smudge of the rules. 😉

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