PSP Updates Summer Homebrew Contest: SatFinder Portable v1.3.2 (PSP Updates Edition)
Pedro J has tweaked his SatFinder Portable homebrew application and released it as an official entry to the PSP Updates Summer Homebrew Contest!
Download: SatFinder Portable 1.3.2 (PSP Updates edition)
Visit: QJ.NET PSP forum release thread
PSP developer Pedro J has released his SatFinder Portable homebrew application, this time around as an official entry to the PSP Updates Summer Homebrew Contest! Now you can check out all those unidentified flying obects in real-time with style.
Aside from that, you can learn all about constellations and other heavenly objects – why, it’s as if you got your very own portable QJ.NET Science blog right there!
This release is actually almost the exact same version as what we previously saw (v1.3.2), however it’s been tweaked to comply with the requirements of our Summer Homebrew Contest. Here’s the full changelog of SatFinder Portable v1.3.2 (PSP Updates Edition):
- Luaplayer changed. Now is used HW7 RC1
- Corrected an small error when showing coordinates in the Information Screen.
- Corrected an infinite loop when we try to update TLE files using WIFI. Now if you can’t find a proper point of access, you are returned to the main screen.
- Moon phases are in UTC time format. A label has been added to avoid confusions.
- Iridium satellites now can be disabled. Added this option in the options screen.
- Adapted in order to participate in the PSP UPDATES Summer Homebrew Contest.
You may visit the official forum release thread and directly ask PedroJ should you come across any problems in running this application.
Download: SatFinder Portable 1.3.2 (PSP Updates edition)
Visit: QJ.NET PSP forum release thread
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