PSPVecX v1.51 – Vectrex emulator for the PSP
Samstag from our forums has released a new version of one of his older homebrew projects today – PSPVecX. PSPVecX is a Vectrex emulator for the PSP which was originally released all the way back in December 2005. If you have never heard of a Vectrex before or need a little hint to remember the 2D black-and-white greatness that was in the original Vectrex, here’s a little reminder. The Vectrex was a home console released in 1982 that included a vertically oriented vector monitor producing some reasonably good graphics for the time.
This new release doesn’t have a big list of new features, but is a newer, more stable release by Samstag that supports a few games. Here’s what Samstag said: “ I haven’t touched it in several months and I don’t see myself having time to pick it up again anytime soon so I’m going to release the most recent stable version along with the source. It’s hard-coded to play just a short list of test games.”
If you haven’t played the original Vectrex or just want a piece of retro gaming fun, then give this one a go!
Download: [PSPVecX v1.51]
View: [Forum release thread]
Samstag from our forums has released a new version of one of his older homebrew projects today – PSPVecX. PSPVecX is a Vectrex emulator for the PSP which was originally released all the way back in December 2005. If you have never heard of a Vectrex before or need a little hint to remember the 2D black-and-white greatness that was in the original Vectrex, here’s a little reminder. The Vectrex was a home console released in 1982 that included a vertically oriented vector monitor producing some reasonably good graphics for the time.
This new release doesn’t have a big list of new features, but is a newer, more stable release by Samstag that supports a few games. Here’s what Samstag said: “ I haven’t touched it in several months and I don’t see myself having time to pick it up again anytime soon so I’m going to release the most recent stable version along with the source. It’s hard-coded to play just a short list of test games.”
If you haven’t played the original Vectrex or just want a piece of retro gaming fun, then give this one a go!
Download: [PSPVecX v1.51]
View: [Forum release thread]