Qore Episode 20 features Dante’s Inferno, Heavy Rain, Bayonetta and BioShock 2
For those who are eagerly awaiting the latest episode of PSN’s subscription-based interactive online magazine, Qore, this months update will feature four games that is sure to wet your appetite. From the hell bound Dante’s Inferno to the very dark film noir thriller Heavy Rain, from the highly anticipated Bioshock 2 to Bayonetta, there’s definitely something for every PlayStation gamers out there.
For those who are eagerly awaiting the latest episode of PSN’s subscription-based interactive online magazine, Qore, this months update will feature four games that is sure to wet your appetite. From the hell bound Dante’s Inferno to the very dark film noir thriller Heavy Rain, from the highly anticipated Bioshock 2 to Bayonetta, there’s definitely something for every PlayStation gamers out there.
Be sure to check out the PlayStation Store Update when it goes live later today to catch Qore Episode 20.