Rag Doll Kung Fu now a gold belter

Rag Doll Kung Fu packshot - Image 1Wild Hare Entertainment, the same folks working on Etrom: The Astral Essence, has just announced that their upcoming PC fighter, Rag Doll Kung Fu, has reached gold status and is now set to kick North American ass on February 12.

If this is your first time to encounter the game, all ya have to do is think of it as rag dolls gone string crazy as they pull off the weirdest Kung Fu moves evarrr! The game is heavily mouse-dependent as players move their rag doll characters via analog movement with the mouse (much like you would with puppets on strings).

Featuring 16 levels of story mode, a retro-style kung fu film, single-player mini-games including Ninja Onslaught, ChuChu Wing Pooh, Rag Doll Soccer and Rag Doll Athletics, players will also be able to import graphics and customize/construct their own characters.

Rated M by the ESRB, the Rag Doll Kung Fu retail box will also include custom skins, an 11 X 14 poster, and a 28-page manual and will sell for US$ 19.99.

Rag Doll Kung Fu packshot - Image 1Wild Hare Entertainment, the same folks working on Etrom: The Astral Essence, has just announced that their upcoming PC fighter, Rag Doll Kung Fu, has reached gold status and is now set to kick North American ass on February 12.

If this is your first time to encounter the game, all ya have to do is think of it as rag dolls gone string crazy as they pull off the weirdest Kung Fu moves evarrr! The game is heavily mouse-dependent as players move their rag doll characters via analog movement with the mouse (much like you would with puppets on strings).

Featuring 16 levels of story mode, a retro-style kung fu film, single-player mini-games including Ninja Onslaught, ChuChu Wing Pooh, Rag Doll Soccer and Rag Doll Athletics, players will also be able to import graphics and customize/construct their own characters.

Rated M by the ESRB, the Rag Doll Kung Fu retail box will also include custom skins, an 11 X 14 poster, and a 28-page manual and will sell for US$ 19.99.

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