RDM: Will Zune really sell this winter?

ZuneOkay, before we start, let me just clarify that I’m merely reporting my source’s opinion on Zune and iPod, so that means this isn’t my, or QJ’s opinion on the said topic.

Having that said, let’s go on RDM’s take on Microsoft‘s latest gadget, the Zune. For those who aren’t in the know, Zune is Microsoft’s portable media player, slated for release tomorrow.

As such, it was touted as “iPod’s latest killer.” However, our source points out that it may not be the case. Why? Let’s check out all three reasons.

First off, Apple’s winter strategy was to lower the iPod’s price, to make it a viable gift for the holidays. Our source reports that most users would consider the iPod as a luxury item for themselves, and because it’s branded as such, consumers won’t think of it as a feasible gift for the holidays. Apple seems to know that, so to cash in the holiday frenzy, the price of the iPod is slashed during its winter season so that consumers will see it as an affordable gift this Christmas, generating more income for Apple in the long run.

Second, our source points out that the Zune is rather heftier than the iPod, and it being bulky may become a problem, as it is a portable music device.

Lastly, RDM says that the Zune’s radio transmitter and rather large screen drains the battery life faster, which may lead to customer complaints. After all, a portable device should have long battery hours, as it is always on the go (and stopping over some place just to charge it is such a hassle).

As said earlier, these are just our source’s views on Zune. How about you, what do you think?

ZuneOkay, before we start, let me just clarify that I’m merely reporting my source’s opinion on Zune and iPod, so that means this isn’t my, or QJ’s opinion on the said topic.

Having that said, let’s go on RDM’s take on Microsoft‘s latest gadget, the Zune. For those who aren’t in the know, Zune is Microsoft’s portable media player, slated for release tomorrow.

As such, it was touted as “iPod’s latest killer.” However, our source points out that it may not be the case. Why? Let’s check out all three reasons.

First off, Apple’s winter strategy was to lower the iPod’s price, to make it a viable gift for the holidays. Our source reports that most users would consider the iPod as a luxury item for themselves, and because it’s branded as such, consumers won’t think of it as a feasible gift for the holidays. Apple seems to know that, so to cash in the holiday frenzy, the price of the iPod is slashed during its winter season so that consumers will see it as an affordable gift this Christmas, generating more income for Apple in the long run.

Second, our source points out that the Zune is rather heftier than the iPod, and it being bulky may become a problem, as it is a portable music device.

Lastly, RDM says that the Zune’s radio transmitter and rather large screen drains the battery life faster, which may lead to customer complaints. After all, a portable device should have long battery hours, as it is always on the go (and stopping over some place just to charge it is such a hassle).

As said earlier, these are just our source’s views on Zune. How about you, what do you think?

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