RedOctane releases GH II’s controller patch on Xbox Live; (UPDATE) patch bricking Xbox 360s?

RedOctane to release a patch for GH II's controllers - Image 1Alright, this is the last time that we would like to write about Guitar Hero II‘s faulty guitar controllers. This rhythm video game from RedOctane and Activision is great and we certainly don’t want it to be ruined because of petty things such as this. But don’t worry, this is not about another defect or issue with the whammy bar.

If anything, this next one should end this problem. Straight from RedOctane’s official community site, forum administrator Johnny Napalm posted,

A title update for Guitar Hero II for the Xbox 360 will be available on Xbox Live at 4:00 am PDT on Saturday, April 14 that should resolve the situation where input from the whammy bar was not always recognized. Downloading the update should resolve this issue for all Activision Guitar Hero branded guitar models.

Before this downloadable patch, the developers released a manual way of solving the problem. It focused more on the controller itself as it entails tightening the screws inside and other technical stuff. It should be remembered that RedOctane promised to look further into these when reports on defective controllers became frequent.

Again, this is the last time that we would like to write about this. Have a good day, and start downloading that patch so that you can finally start on those riffs in peace.

Update: Over at Xbox forums, a thread about the said Guitar Hero II patch from RedOctane bricking Xbox 360s has been started. Several accounts of freezing or bricked Xbox 360 were told, with some guys linking to stories covering the same events. Here’s one of the posts:

There is a serious problem here. My 360 worked fine until I installed this Guitar Hero 2 patch and after an hour of playing it began freezing, so I turned it off for 3 hours and tried again. Then it began freezing before it even got to the dashboard. A few more times trying to boot up for tech support and I am now the proud owner if a big white brick. The ring of red lights has prompted tech support to offer me a $130 repair service. But I’m going to wait this out because there is no way I’m going to pay if this update broke my system.

It seems the released fix not only left the earlier issues unresolved, but is now making things much worse. We still haven’t tried the patch on our own Xbox 360 yet, perhaps some QJ reader out there can shed some light on this?

RedOctane to release a patch for GH II's controllers - Image 1Alright, this is the last time that we would like to write about Guitar Hero II‘s faulty guitar controllers. This rhythm video game from RedOctane and Activision is great and we certainly don’t want it to be ruined because of petty things such as this. But don’t worry, this is not about another defect or issue with the whammy bar.

If anything, this next one should end this problem. Straight from RedOctane’s official community site, forum administrator Johnny Napalm posted,

A title update for Guitar Hero II for the Xbox 360 will be available on Xbox Live at 4:00 am PDT on Saturday, April 14 that should resolve the situation where input from the whammy bar was not always recognized. Downloading the update should resolve this issue for all Activision Guitar Hero branded guitar models.

Before this downloadable patch, the developers released a manual way of solving the problem. It focused more on the controller itself as it entails tightening the screws inside and other technical stuff. It should be remembered that RedOctane promised to look further into these when reports on defective controllers became frequent.

Again, this is the last time that we would like to write about this. Have a good day, and start downloading that patch so that you can finally start on those riffs in peace.

Update: Over at Xbox forums, a thread about the said Guitar Hero II patch from RedOctane bricking Xbox 360s has been started. Several accounts of freezing or bricked Xbox 360 were told, with some guys linking to stories covering the same events. Here’s one of the posts:

There is a serious problem here. My 360 worked fine until I installed this Guitar Hero 2 patch and after an hour of playing it began freezing, so I turned it off for 3 hours and tried again. Then it began freezing before it even got to the dashboard. A few more times trying to boot up for tech support and I am now the proud owner if a big white brick. The ring of red lights has prompted tech support to offer me a $130 repair service. But I’m going to wait this out because there is no way I’m going to pay if this update broke my system.

It seems the released fix not only left the earlier issues unresolved, but is now making things much worse. We still haven’t tried the patch on our own Xbox 360 yet, perhaps some QJ reader out there can shed some light on this?

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