Reeves: PS3’s future lies with full-game downloads, Sony to avoid piracy with massive DRM scheme

David Reeves - Image 1Media Molecule’s LittleBigPlanet for the PlayStation 3 looks to breathe new life into the videogame industry when it launches later this year, and SCEE head David Reeves says it’s only the beginning. In London, he talked about how the PS3 will avoid the mistakes the music industry made when it came across tough choices with piracy. More details after the jump.

PlayStation 3 - Image 1 Over in London, Sony reiterated its stance that it believes in the potential of downloadable content to eventually overtake disc-based games. Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss David Reeves said a new age is coming within the next few years and that the PlayStation 3 will be in the middle of it.

“The disc-based delivery system will fall as the power of the network base rises,” he said as he pointed out that 40 percent of PlayStation 3 owners are actively using the PlayStation Network for various purposes. He also cited Gran Turismo HD as a bright example of what can be achieved using this delivery system.

Reeves also underscored user-generated content as a valuable synergy to the grander scheme of things. He earmarked Media Molecule’s upcoming title LittleBigPlanet as “only the beginning” in their plans to encourage owners to participate more in growing the platform.

Matters regarding piracy were also tackled by Reeves. He vowed in behalf of Sony that the game industry will not make the same mistakes as the music industry in its transition to the new trends. “This requires a comprehensive DRM solution, which we are working on as a corporation within Sony,” he remarks.

Lastly, Reeves talked about what he thought of the PS3’s market performance. Confidently, he stated “the PS3 install base is growing faster than PS2Â’s was at this point in its lifecycle,” and added that he expects the console to surpass the 100 million worldwide sales mark churned out by its predecessor, the PlayStation 2.

Via Developmag

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