Right on Target: Halo 3, Metroid Prime 3 for US$ 30 each (if you’re lucky)
A simple graphical error on a banner ad in Target just might get you the deal of the century. An online forum thread pointed us to the said Target ad, and we checked it out. True enough, they’re offering Halo 3 and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for US$ 30 each. We’ve screen capped the image below.
Before you get all clicky-clicky on our Read link though, there’s a very big disclaimer here. While the banner ad has the titles clocked at 30 bucks, their individual product pages list them for their real price – Halo‘s got 60, Metroid‘s on 50. Now, lots of people have called Target about the said banner and if they could get the games for the price as advertised on the banner ad – and not the price on the product page. And y’know what? Some of the good, friendly ladies in Target’s customer service actually honored the deal!
Other people in the forums have also said that it didn’t work for them, saying that the customer service rep they talked to doesn’t even know of the banner ad and that they’ve always had the games notched in their real prices. Some people have even said that Target’s already fixed the banner ad – which is weird because when we visited the site just a few minutes ago, well, the screencap shows you.
Now, if you get that lucky cookie and persuade customer service enough… you never know! For what it’s worth though, whether these two games come at a discount or not, personally, I’d still buy them. I’m sure a lot of you guys would still buy the games anyway, right? Regardless of price?
A simple graphical error on a banner ad in Target just might get you the deal of the century. An online forum thread pointed us to the said Target ad, and we checked it out. True enough, they’re offering Halo 3 and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for US$ 30 each. We’ve screen capped the image below.
Before you get all clicky-clicky on our Read link though, there’s a very big disclaimer here. While the banner ad has the titles clocked at 30 bucks, their individual product pages list them for their real price – Halo‘s got 60, Metroid‘s on 50. Now, lots of people have called Target about the said banner and if they could get the games for the price as advertised on the banner ad – and not the price on the product page. And y’know what? Some of the good, friendly ladies in Target’s customer service actually honored the deal!
Other people in the forums have also said that it didn’t work for them, saying that the customer service rep they talked to doesn’t even know of the banner ad and that they’ve always had the games notched in their real prices. Some people have even said that Target’s already fixed the banner ad – which is weird because when we visited the site just a few minutes ago, well, the screencap shows you.
Now, if you get that lucky cookie and persuade customer service enough… you never know! For what it’s worth though, whether these two games come at a discount or not, personally, I’d still buy them. I’m sure a lot of you guys would still buy the games anyway, right? Regardless of price?