Rock Band: PSN, XBL to get Action, Last Train to Clarksville, and All the Small Things

Rock Band: PSN, XBL to get  Action, Last Train to Clarksville, and All the Small Things - Image 1Here’s a big heads up for the music aficionados. Harmonix‘s Rock Band (PS3 and Xbox 360) is set to update with three new tracks for Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network. This week’s update brings us tunes from the likes of Sweet, the Monkees, and Blink 182. Details are available in the full article.

Rock Band: PSN, XBL to get  Action, Last Train to Clarksville, and All the Small Things - Image 1

Ready for an encore of downloadable tracks for your copy of Rock Band for the Xbox 360 and PS3? Harmonix‘s community dude Sean Baptiste recently dropped by the official Rock Band forums to announce this week’s triple helping of songs for your jamming pleasure.

  • “Action” made famous by Sweet (cover)
  • “Last Train to Clarksville” made famous by the Monkees (cover)
  • “All the Small Things” by Blink 182

XBL gamers can expect to pick each song up for 160 MS points. Those relying on PSN should expect these tracks to arrive this Thursday, at an expected US$ 1.99 each (based on current PSN price conventions).

Rock Band owners on the 360 may also want to pick up the Official Xbox Magazine’s fall issue if they’re looking for more songs. As AltGN reports, this issues carries three exclusive tracks:

  • “Sprøde” by Freezepop
  • “Rock Rebellion” by Bang Camaro
  • “Shake” by Count Zero

Via Harmonix’s Rock Band Forums

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