Rockstar: Ballad of Gay Tony will keep disc comfort zone

GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony - Image 1Despite being in the digital download era today, Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser is still of the belief that people remain to be more comfortable buying movies and games on discs. This is the company’s premise for putting The Ballad of Gay Tony on a disc as well, apart from its DLC form.

Despite being in the digital download era today, Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser is still of the belief that people remain to be more comfortable buying movies and games on discs. This is the company’s premise for putting The Ballad of Gay Tony on a disc as well, apart from its DLC form.

In an interview with USA Today, “I know, as a consumer, I’m more comfortable buying songs, which are almost like a a jukebox, than I am buying movies as purely digital items,” he said. ” We all feel that way, so we can surely get more people to experience it if we put it on a disc.”

The Ballad of Gay Tony - Image 1

The second episode for Grand Theft Auto IV comes out on October 29, 2009. Are you buying the disc or downloading it?

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Via USA Today

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