Rumor: Okami Wii to be released March 25?

Okami - Image 1It’s been a while since we last heard about Ready at Dawn‘s port of Clover Studios’ Okami, and now we get a sort-of update about its upcoming release. Mind, this is rumor for a reason, but as far as rumors go, this one is certainly optimistic. Check out the entire scoop in the full article.

Okami - Image 1 

It’s time once more to get fed by the rumor mill, and this time it’s about the Wii port of Okami that game developing firm Ready at Dawn is cooking up. What’s the rumor? That Amaterasu will be drawing her way to our Wii consoles come March 25 of this year. Yes, that early of a release date. And it seems that Europe will be getting their own copies of the game during that week, too. Awesome.

This comes directly from an insider who reported to Eurogamer – and frankly, it has us all excited at the prospect of being able to play as Amaterasu again (but with better controls) soon. I mean, come on – it’s Okami.

Of course, while we’re all a-titter with this news, we have to rein ourselves in as this is still just a rumor, after all. There’s no official response quite yet from Capcom on whether or not the game will be released in March. Until then, though, we’ll just have to keep practicing drawing power slashes and cherry bombs with an imaginary Celestial Brush. I know I will.

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