Rumor: PSN Europe releasing Home, games, DLC in July

Playstation Home - Image 1First, there were whispers that the Playstation Home beta will last only up to May. Now, a Sony Europe screenshot supposedly shows a European Playstation Network July release of Home and some DLC packs for Ratchet and Lair, among other games. See the screenshot and find out more juicy bits after the jump.

Rumored Sony Europe Release Dates for April-July 2008 - Home to be released in July? - Image 1

A pinch of salt will be handy with this one. Allegedly, release dates of the European Playstation Store for April up to July have been leaked from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE). From the looks of it, Playstation Home will finally see daylight this July.

Home, whose beta is also rumored to end in May, is just the top treat in a long list of goodies. SOCOM: Confrontation and a seemingly new Ratchet downloadable content, Ratchet: Quest for Booty, are also slated for July. April will host seventeen downloads including a Resistance 2 trailer and DLC packs for Lair (Diabolical Dragons) and Warhawk (Operation Broken Mirror), while May, on the other hand, will make way for Wipeout HD and Echochrome.

Not everything we read from the grapevine turns into wine but if anything, Sony will definitely prepare its big guns for the months leading up to July – and E3. So we’re not taking away the possibility that this might be true. Click the image above for a higher resolution of the supposedly leaked line-up for our European friends.

Image courtesy of Fragcast.

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