Rumors, rumors, and more rumors: PaRappa 3, Silent Hill 5, EA

Silent Hill - Image 1 

Rumors freshly churned out from the rumor mill – or rather, from a certain individual known as Quatermann, and they all concern some of the most beloved franchises ever to hit the video game scene. Take these as you will, but remember that they’re only rumors – nothing’s set in stone just yet.

  • PaRappa the Rapper 3 to be released on the PlayStation 3
  • Silent Hill 5 to be released on the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, to be developed by US team
  • Electronic Arts isn’t just satisfied with NFL, they also want MLB and NBA to be under their wing, too.

A next-gen sequel to everybody’s favorite Hip-Hop Hero? Awesome. Silent Hill 5 to come out on both the PS3 and the Xbox 360, but made by a US-based team, the same as Silent Hill Origins? Bit undecided about this one, as I don’t know how the PSP offering of Silent Hill actually plays like – but it’d certainly be interesting to see how it matches up to the original Team Silent’s previous titles.

And EA planning to take over MLB and NBA – the firm can certainly handle another sports franchise, so more power to them if the rumor turns out to be true.

More updates about these rumors as we get them – and remember, they’re only rumors until we actually get official word from those involved.

Silent Hill - Image 1 

Rumors freshly churned out from the rumor mill – or rather, from a certain individual known as Quatermann, and they all concern some of the most beloved franchises ever to hit the video game scene. Take these as you will, but remember that they’re only rumors – nothing’s set in stone just yet.

  • PaRappa the Rapper 3 to be released on the PlayStation 3
  • Silent Hill 5 to be released on the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, to be developed by US team
  • Electronic Arts isn’t just satisfied with NFL, they also want MLB and NBA to be under their wing, too.

A next-gen sequel to everybody’s favorite Hip-Hop Hero? Awesome. Silent Hill 5 to come out on both the PS3 and the Xbox 360, but made by a US-based team, the same as Silent Hill Origins? Bit undecided about this one, as I don’t know how the PSP offering of Silent Hill actually plays like – but it’d certainly be interesting to see how it matches up to the original Team Silent’s previous titles.

And EA planning to take over MLB and NBA – the firm can certainly handle another sports franchise, so more power to them if the rumor turns out to be true.

More updates about these rumors as we get them – and remember, they’re only rumors until we actually get official word from those involved.

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