SCEI comments on Euro PS3’s BC issues

SCEI - Image 1Following SCEE‘s recent announcement regarding lessened backwards compatibility for the European PS3, SCEE’s Japanese parent SCEI has at last issued a statement on the matter. According to IGN, Impress Watch reports that SCEI has finally provided some clarification into exactly what components will be going under the European PS3’s hood.

PS3 models available in Asia and North America include the “Emotion Engine + Graphics Synthesizer” combination CPU and graphics chip that powers the slim model PS2. This chip allows these units to achieve backwards compatibility.

Apparently, the European version of the PS3 will not have this chip, and will instead rely on a combination of hardware and software. The Emotion Engine CPU functionality will be replicated entirely through software emulation, and Sony will put in hardware of some form that will take the place of the Graphics Synthesizer graphics chip.

That’s pretty much all SCEI was willing to divulge regarding this issue. SCEI also didn’t make any announcements on when the new version of the PS3 hardware will appear in other territories.


SCEI - Image 1Following SCEE‘s recent announcement regarding lessened backwards compatibility for the European PS3, SCEE’s Japanese parent SCEI has at last issued a statement on the matter. According to IGN, Impress Watch reports that SCEI has finally provided some clarification into exactly what components will be going under the European PS3’s hood.

PS3 models available in Asia and North America include the “Emotion Engine + Graphics Synthesizer” combination CPU and graphics chip that powers the slim model PS2. This chip allows these units to achieve backwards compatibility.

Apparently, the European version of the PS3 will not have this chip, and will instead rely on a combination of hardware and software. The Emotion Engine CPU functionality will be replicated entirely through software emulation, and Sony will put in hardware of some form that will take the place of the Graphics Synthesizer graphics chip.

That’s pretty much all SCEI was willing to divulge regarding this issue. SCEI also didn’t make any announcements on when the new version of the PS3 hardware will appear in other territories.


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