Scenery to brawl in: Isle Delfino in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Isle Delfino - Image 1Yet another update courtesy of the Smash Brothers Dojo website – and this time, it’s about one of the many stages you’ll be doing all the brawling in. It’s Isle Delfino, a tropical paradise many GameCube owners and Mario fans alike will recognize as the main setting of the famous plumber’s last-gen adventure, Super Mario Sunshine.

It’s not JUST a backdrop, if that’s what you’re thinking. Brawlers will actually be fighting in a platform that skims the skies above Isle Delfino, giving players a bird’s eye view of the beautifully-detailed tropical getaway.

After a bit of some fancy flying and circling, the platform lands and becomes a normal stage. And where the platform actually touches down in Isle Delfino will vary every time it’s selected.

This is certainly a great update for those of us concerned about the other facets of gameplay, besides the items and the characters. While we doubt you’d have that much idle time in a free-for-all to appreciate the view, it’s comforting to know that Nintendo’s pulling out all the stops to make Super Smash Brothers Brawl look as delicious as it’s looking now.

More updates about the highly-anticipated brawler as we get them!

Isle Delfino - Image 1Yet another update courtesy of the Smash Brothers Dojo website – and this time, it’s about one of the many stages you’ll be doing all the brawling in. It’s Isle Delfino, a tropical paradise many GameCube owners and Mario fans alike will recognize as the main setting of the famous plumber’s last-gen adventure, Super Mario Sunshine.

It’s not JUST a backdrop, if that’s what you’re thinking. Brawlers will actually be fighting in a platform that skims the skies above Isle Delfino, giving players a bird’s eye view of the beautifully-detailed tropical getaway.

After a bit of some fancy flying and circling, the platform lands and becomes a normal stage. And where the platform actually touches down in Isle Delfino will vary every time it’s selected.

This is certainly a great update for those of us concerned about the other facets of gameplay, besides the items and the characters. While we doubt you’d have that much idle time in a free-for-all to appreciate the view, it’s comforting to know that Nintendo’s pulling out all the stops to make Super Smash Brothers Brawl look as delicious as it’s looking now.

More updates about the highly-anticipated brawler as we get them!

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