Screen Digest: Year of the PlayStation 3 delayed to next year
The PlayStation 3 had quite a year this year – just, not quite as good as analysts thought. “The Year of the PlayStation 3,” one analyst says, “will now be 2009.” Either analysts overestimated Sony, or they underestimated Microsoft.
The PlayStation 3 had quite a good year this year – just, not quite as good as analysts thought.
Early this year, analysts kept hailing 2008 as the “Year of the PlayStation 3,” especially after Sony won the format war with Blu-ray. Screen Digest, in particular, was all in for the idea.
Well, they changed their minds. Screen Digest analyst Piers Harding-Rolls now says that the Year of the PlayStation 3 got delayed:
We always felt that 2008 was the year that PS3 kicked off – but we think that will now be 2009. When we looked at the 360 at the beginning of the year we didn’t think it was going to do as well as it has done.
Sounds like analysts either overestimated Sony, or they underestimated Microsoft. But then I’m sure a price cut would solve all of Sony’s problems. It sure did for Microsoft.
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Via Kotaku