Second Life: Introducing the rootin’ tootin’ Frontier Linden

Cowboy hatJust a short update for the diverse and oftentimes wacky people of Second Life. Linden Labs has just announced the introduction of the latest member of the Linden Liaison – Frontier Linden. And as some of you cowpokes reckon, he’s a honest-to-goodness cowboy. Well, online at least.

Frontier’s going to be there to answer the player’s questions on game-related bits. With that said, feel free to mosey over to him with your posse to ask what’s the latest update for your resident MMORPG. Welcome aboard, sheriff – just make sure them six-shooters are loaded in case we get attacked again…

Via Second Life

Cowboy hatJust a short update for the diverse and oftentimes wacky people of Second Life. Linden Labs has just announced the introduction of the latest member of the Linden Liaison – Frontier Linden. And as some of you cowpokes reckon, he’s a honest-to-goodness cowboy. Well, online at least.

Frontier’s going to be there to answer the player’s questions on game-related bits. With that said, feel free to mosey over to him with your posse to ask what’s the latest update for your resident MMORPG. Welcome aboard, sheriff – just make sure them six-shooters are loaded in case we get attacked again…

Via Second Life

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