Shane Kim: Natal launch to be as big as Xbox 360’s

Project Natal - Image 1“Conceptually, the launch of Natal will be like the launch of Xbox 360.” That is what Shane Kim, Microsoft corporate VP for strategy and business development, told Kotaku. The plan is to have a ramp up in marketing for Microsoft’s E3 motion-sensing star so big that it’ll be just like launching a new console. Read more after the jump.

Project Natal - Image 1

“Conceptually, the launch of Natal will be like the launch of Xbox 360.” That is what Shane Kim, Microsoft corporate VP for strategy and business development, told Kotaku. The plan is to have a ramp up in marketing for Microsoft’s E3 motion-sensing star so big that it’ll be just like launching a new console.

“It’s going to be that big,” Kim said. And just like a console, Project Natal’s launch will come with titles supporting the new motion-sensor. He added:

We’re not just going to ship it when the hardware and software are ready. We have to make sure that there are enough content experiences that are really good. That’s similar to how you would think of the launch of a new console. It’s got to have a great launch line-up. That’s the same thing here.

No doubt that the big day will be one we’ll be writing like hell about, and impressed or skeptical about it or not, it’s evident that Microsoft has that much faith in Natal to launch it like it’s a console on its own.

More on Project Natal:

Via Kotaku

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