Shoppers Drug Mart to supply PS3 and PSP

shoppersdrugHeads up, Canadian gamers. Sony has partnered up with the biggest drug chain in the country (as in medicines, not the illegal ones!) to sell PS3 and PSP units on their shelves.





shoppersdrugmart__2177Heads up, Canadian gamers. Sony has partnered up with the biggest drug chain in the country (as in medicines, not the illegal ones!) to sell PS3 and PSP units on their shelves.





Jürgen Schreiber, President and CEo of Shoppers Drug Mart explains this new venture into the gaming consoles market:




“This agreement with Sony, coupled with the recent announcement of our distribution agreement with Rogers, brings together leading brands and serves to further strengthen our value proposition and optimize the service centre in our stores.





Our customers have responded very favourably to our current assortment of consumer electronics and entertainment products. Enhancing our product assortment with popular Sony items will provide our customers with even greater choice and convenience in this growing category.”




Some 700 Shoppers Drug Mart/ Pharmaprix stores all over Canada will be selling PS3s and PSPs come Fall of 2010.




Watch out for it.






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