Signs of the times: Final Fantasy XIII simultaneous regional release possible?

Final Fantasy XIII - Image 1Can we look forward to a US-Europe simultaneous release for Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Xbox 360)? Final Fantasy Union is positing that yes, there may indeed be such a possibility. How they came up with this conclusion can be found after the jump.

Final Fantasy XIII - Image 1Can we look forward to a US-Europe simultaneous release for Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Xbox 360)? Final Fantasy Union is positing that yes, there may indeed be such a possibility.

How they came up with this conclusion was by taking note of the recent trend of release dates from Square Enix, particularly on the Final Fantasy franchise. If you’ll remember, the Dissidia: Final Fantasy Europe release date was announced to be just a mere week after the US release.

That’s quite a feat already in itself actually, given how the common practice has been to make Europe fiddle and tug at the ends of its shirt for a tad bit longer in anticipation of a game, which will be first released to Japan before hopping aboard a plane to North America, and finally landing on their side of the world.

Grand total: game releases in Europe about a year after Japan’s fully enjoyed (and finished) the game, while that would be about four to five months after North American gamers have had their fill of the game and has in fact actually moved on already to the next big thing. Either that or they go back to playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

Anyhow, these are all mere hypotheses, but trending may actually prove to be a viable mean of forecasting Squeenix’ next move. Add to that they’ve claimed that localization has in fact started already.

Oh, and don’t think this is all too impossible. They had a worldwide release for The Last Remnant, remember?

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Via Final Fantasy Union

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