Silent Hill: Shattered Memories delayed?

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - Image 1Nothing official has issued forth from the mouths of Konami representatives yet, but the Silent Hill overhaul, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (PS2, PSP, Wii), may be facing a bit of a delay. Kotaku reports that listings from online retailers GameFly and GameStop now have the game’s release pegged at about a month later than the date it was originally slated for.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - Image 1

Nothing official has issued forth from the mouths of Konami representatives yet, but the Silent Hill overhaul, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (PS2, PSP, Wii), may be facing a bit of a delay. Kotaku reports that listings from online retailers GameFly and GameStop now have the game’s release pegged at about a month later than the date it was originally slated for.

GameStop has relisted all versions of the game from its November 3 release to a December 8 outing. Gamefly, on the other hand, has the Wii version set for November 26, with the PSP and PS2 versions getting December 31 dates. Here’s hoping those don’t eventually turn into 2010 releases.

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Via Kotaku

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