Slash-N-Flash v1
Slasher of Team Duck dropped by our forums to give us the lowdown on his Slash-N-Flash program for the PSP. “This is basically a generic flasher which can flash whatever files your heart desires,” so explains Slasher on his post.
If you guys are hesitant to use this as it may brick your PSP, by some unfortunate series of events, fear not ’cause he assures that he’s made the process as simple and noob friendly as possible. Besides, that’s what the Readme is for, so you better go check it out and digest the whole procedure well.
Anyhow, here’s the stuff you may very well expect in this version:
- Shows all files located in their corresponding folders
- New FileBrowser Option
- Browse your memstick and flash any file you want to
- Delete any file you want
- USB Mode
- Change the default folder
- ms0:/SlashNFlash/ OR SlahsNFlash/Folders/
- Various error checks to ensure a safe flash
- Preview Mode is back
You would want to go visit the thread as well for a quick rundown of how the app is setup. Have a blast with the Slash-N-Flash!
Download: Slash-N-Flash v1
Discuss: PSP Development Forum
Slasher of Team Duck dropped by our forums to give us the lowdown on his Slash-N-Flash program for the PSP. “This is basically a generic flasher which can flash whatever files your heart desires,” so explains Slasher on his post.
If you guys are hesitant to use this as it may brick your PSP, by some unfortunate series of events, fear not ’cause he assures that he’s made the process as simple and noob friendly as possible. Besides, that’s what the Readme is for, so you better go check it out and digest the whole procedure well.
Anyhow, here’s the stuff you may very well expect in this version:
- Shows all files located in their corresponding folders
- New FileBrowser Option
- Browse your memstick and flash any file you want to
- Delete any file you want
- USB Mode
- Change the default folder
- ms0:/SlashNFlash/ OR SlahsNFlash/Folders/
- Various error checks to ensure a safe flash
- Preview Mode is back
You would want to go visit the thread as well for a quick rundown of how the app is setup. Have a blast with the Slash-N-Flash!
Download: Slash-N-Flash v1
Discuss: PSP Development Forum