Sneak King: ‘Surprise’ gameplay vid

mmmm.....Burger King: Sneak King isn’t really that hot. Most scores for it range from 5/10 to 7/10. So what does it have going for it? The game’s cheap. It’s what? US$ 3.99? That, and the thing is damned funny. For a Burger King game, it really does its job well, which is making the burgers look oh so yummy.

Stealth gameplay plus burgers. Never thought we’d see those two meet. What’s next? A Ronald McDonald FPS? We can see it now, McD’s Enforcers vs. Hamburglar Spies in a 4 on 4 steal the burgers match on XBL! Wait wait, how about this? We already know have a sequel for BK game, how about Sneak King versus the Ninja Burger Ninjas? Much seppuku stealth burger action with that one!

Via GameTrailers

mmmm.....Burger King: Sneak King isn’t really that hot. Most scores for it range from 5/10 to 7/10. So what does it have going for it? The game’s cheap. It’s what? US$ 3.99? That, and the thing is damned funny. For a Burger King game, it really does its job well, which is making the burgers look oh so yummy.

Stealth gameplay plus burgers. Never thought we’d see those two meet. What’s next? A Ronald McDonald FPS? We can see it now, McD’s Enforcers vs. Hamburglar Spies in a 4 on 4 steal the burgers match on XBL! Wait wait, how about this? We already know have a sequel for BK game, how about Sneak King versus the Ninja Burger Ninjas? Much seppuku stealth burger action with that one!

Via GameTrailers

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