Snes9x_TYL v0.1 Released


yoyofr, laxer3a and thunderZ have released a new Snes9x emulator for the PSP, Snes9x_TYL v0.1, based on v1.39A of Snes9x (with some code from the first Snes9x port on PSP by bifuteki.)

Features of this emulator include:
5 Rendering modes:
? Mode0 : Optimized Snes9x,
? Mode1 : Original Snes9x
? Mode2 : Hardware accelerated (using PSP’s GU)
? Mode3 : Adaptive rendering Mode 2 + Mode 1 (default)
? Mode4 : Adaptive rendering Mode 2 + Mode 0
Yes you read well, this version support nearly all the graphics effects of the Snes accelerated with PSP hardware, Except :
? offset mode & mode 7.
? Priority and blending are fully emulated.
For the moment a few graphic glitches remain, we did our best for the moment in our knowledge. Please understand.
? Zipped ROM support.
? IPS patch file (have to be the same name as game with .IPS extension : SOE.ZIP => SOE.IPS)
? Compressed Savestate with small screenshot.
? Auto save of SRAM on game change, exit & Snes reset so you should never lose them ;-).
? Autoskip.
? Gamma correction.
? VSync support.
? SDD1 encrypted roms (Star Ocean, Street Fight Alpha 2,…)
? SA1 (slow), SuperFX (slow), C4, DSP1 support.
? Multiple sound frequencies : 22Khz, 32Khz, 44Khz.
? Multiple stretching mode with or without smoothing
? Detailed Battery informations.
? 222,266 & 333Mhz PSP frequency.
? Snapshot based Icon per game. Take a snapshot while ingame (using GUI) & then you’ll have it in file browser.

You can get it in our PSP Download section [here].
Thanks yoyofr and team. If you feel like treating the team to a dinner, you can paypal them at their website [here]. Snes9xytysl28nms

yoyofr, laxer3a and thunderZ have released a new Snes9x emulator for the PSP, Snes9x_TYL v0.1, based on v1.39A of Snes9x (with some code from the first Snes9x port on PSP by bifuteki.)

Features of this emulator include:
5 Rendering modes:
? Mode0 : Optimized Snes9x,
? Mode1 : Original Snes9x
? Mode2 : Hardware accelerated (using PSP’s GU)
? Mode3 : Adaptive rendering Mode 2 + Mode 1 (default)
? Mode4 : Adaptive rendering Mode 2 + Mode 0
Yes you read well, this version support nearly all the graphics effects of the Snes accelerated with PSP hardware, Except :
? offset mode & mode 7.
? Priority and blending are fully emulated.
For the moment a few graphic glitches remain, we did our best for the moment in our knowledge. Please understand.
? Zipped ROM support.
? IPS patch file (have to be the same name as game with .IPS extension : SOE.ZIP => SOE.IPS)
? Compressed Savestate with small screenshot.
? Auto save of SRAM on game change, exit & Snes reset so you should never lose them ;-).
? Autoskip.
? Gamma correction.
? VSync support.
? SDD1 encrypted roms (Star Ocean, Street Fight Alpha 2,…)
? SA1 (slow), SuperFX (slow), C4, DSP1 support.
? Multiple sound frequencies : 22Khz, 32Khz, 44Khz.
? Multiple stretching mode with or without smoothing
? Detailed Battery informations.
? 222,266 & 333Mhz PSP frequency.
? Snapshot based Icon per game. Take a snapshot while ingame (using GUI) & then you’ll have it in file browser.

You can get it in our PSP Download section [here].
Thanks yoyofr and team. If you feel like treating the team to a dinner, you can paypal them at their website [here].

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