SNK Arcade Classics: Vol. 1 trailer video

SNK - Image 1There’s a lot of videogame compilations out there in the market today, but SNK Playmore‘s upcoming collection of hits – namely, SNK Arcade Classics: Vol. 1 – looks to be quite the interesting title as far as retrogaming goes. Spanning the genre spectrum of fighting games, shoot-em-ups and side-scrollers, this one could be a winning formula for SNK, and we see it in this latest trailer video of the title.

Check out the video in the full article.

Videogame compilations are a dime a dozen in this industry, but SNK Playmore may have just struck gold with its upcoming collection of retrogaming oldies. Yes, it’s still another collection of game titles from the past generations, but the key lies in the combination of titles. And from the looks of this first ever trailer video of SNK Arcade Classics: Vol. 1, it’s a mix that would definitely spice things up, as far as variety is concerned.

Want to shoot things up? Fire up Metal Slug. Feel like beating the crap out of someone? Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury and King of Fighters ’94 have your back. And if you’re hankering for a more sports-related experience, Baseball Stars 2 is there to get you hitting home runs like nobody’s business. Awesome.

Check out the video via the embed below. Enjoy!

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