Sony Updates European PS3 Website
Out of nowhere Sony restyled their whole PlayStation 3 page, from boring to informative. Apparently it’s all Flash so if you don’t have it download it. The new site now has a gallery of images, FAQ, list of games and full specifications.
It’s pretty much what I’ve always wanted to see when I visit a console product page, and the official Xbox site doesn’t really give me that. Overall the new PS3 site is easy to navigate and will probably tell new consumers everything they want to know about the upcoming machine.
The list of games are the main thing that have been updated. The site now mentions Eye of Judgement (EyeToy), Formula One ’06, Genji 2, Heavenly Sword, MotorStorm, SingStar Rocks and Warhawk. Expect more to be added soon as the console gets closer to launch. It used to be a chaotic page and didn’t really have any info about them.
That’s all I can say about it really, just check it out for yourself here.
Note: Due to limitations in this blog’s software, we can not create lettercase specific hyperlinks. Please copy/paste the following URL to visit the European PS3 Site:
(Thanks AntStagg for telling us about the site update, and “Umm” for telling us about the problem with the link)
Out of nowhere Sony restyled their whole PlayStation 3 page, from boring to informative. Apparently it’s all Flash so if you don’t have it download it. The new site now has a gallery of images, FAQ, list of games and full specifications.
It’s pretty much what I’ve always wanted to see when I visit a console product page, and the official Xbox site doesn’t really give me that. Overall the new PS3 site is easy to navigate and will probably tell new consumers everything they want to know about the upcoming machine.
The list of games are the main thing that have been updated. The site now mentions Eye of Judgement (EyeToy), Formula One ’06, Genji 2, Heavenly Sword, MotorStorm, SingStar Rocks and Warhawk. Expect more to be added soon as the console gets closer to launch. It used to be a chaotic page and didn’t really have any info about them.
That’s all I can say about it really, just check it out for yourself here.
Note: Due to limitations in this blog’s software, we can not create lettercase specific hyperlinks. Please copy/paste the following URL to visit the European PS3 Site:
(Thanks AntStagg for telling us about the site update, and “Umm” for telling us about the problem with the link)