Sony’s Ken Kutaragi to receive award for contributions to gaming industry

Nite to Unite for Kids - Image 1 Sony Computer Entertainment and PlayStation founder Ken Kutaragi, who has retired as SCE’s CEO, will receive the 2008 Champion Honoree award from the Electronic Software Association’s “A Nite to Unite for Kids” event.

ESA‘s president Michael Gallagher acknowledged Kutaragi’s influence and importance to the gaming industry. “His insight and vision revolutionized in-home entertainment, enabling advancements in creativity, technology, and innovation.”

A Nite to Unite for Kids is a fund raising event hosted by the ESA Foundation, and has raised over US$ 7.8 million to date. This year’s Nite To Unite event will take place on October 17 at San Francisco’s Westin Plaza.

Via GameDaily Biz

Nite to Unite for Kids - Image 1 Sony Computer Entertainment and PlayStation founder Ken Kutaragi, who has retired as SCE’s CEO, will receive the 2008 Champion Honoree award from the Electronic Software Association’s “A Nite to Unite for Kids” event.

ESA‘s president Michael Gallagher acknowledged Kutaragi’s influence and importance to the gaming industry. “His insight and vision revolutionized in-home entertainment, enabling advancements in creativity, technology, and innovation.”

A Nite to Unite for Kids is a fund raising event hosted by the ESA Foundation, and has raised over US$ 7.8 million to date. This year’s Nite To Unite event will take place on October 17 at San Francisco’s Westin Plaza.

Via GameDaily Biz

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