Space Wars

Space Wars by Mathfacts - Image 1 PSP homebrew dev Mathfacts has just released a new homebrew game called Space Wars. It’s a simple two player game (either against another person or the game’s AI) with a simple goal, shoot your opponent before he shoots you.

Check out the full article for more information about Space Wars.

Download: Space Wars

Space Wars by Mathfacts - Image 1

PlayStation Portable homebrew developer Mathfacts, who we last saw at last year’s QJ.Net Summer Coding Competition, recently released a new homebrew PSP game called Space Wars. It’s a space shooter (as the name suggects) that features two player versus mode and player versus PSP mode.

Space Wars is quite simple, it’s just you and an enemy ship in space. Of course, your objective is to keep your hide intact by blowing up the other ship. This homebrew game can be played by two players on one PSP or one player against Space Wars’ AI. Mathfacts notes:

I wrote this intending to add IR or adhoc connectivity. I was able to add it but, performance was so bad it wasn’t usable. So I sorta let this code rot. Recently I picked it back up and pulled out the connectivity code and made it work for two players on the same PSP by isolating the controls to each side. As a side thought I threw in some super simple AI for single player. It’s nothing fancy, but maybe you’ll get a little enjoyment out of it.

Well, there you go. As of now, the game is a bit rough on the edges but let’s hope the dev has more up his sleeve for us in future releases. The download doesn’t come with a readme file, but installation is pretty simple. Just drop the unzipped files (spacewars and spacewars%) onto your GAME or GAME150 and you’re all set. Enjoy!]

Download: Space Wars

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