Spore to arrive with Galactic Edition

Spore to arrive with Galactic Edition - Image 1 Prefacing the videogame’s release less than two months before is the news that EA Maxis does have something special cooked up for avid game collectors and hardcore fanboys. Spore apparently has a Galactic Edition SKU, which like every form of Collector’s, Limited, and Special Edition comes with similarly arranged bonus content. But perhaps past the hardcovers and the posters, we could appreciate one little gem in the rough: an exclusive NatGeo DVD that’s designed especially for Spore.

Spore to arrive with Galactic Edition - Image 1 

Take a gander at GameStop‘s online portal, and you might catch a glimpse of the words “Spore Galactic Edition.” And yes, that would be Electronic Arts and  Maxis‘ official “limited edition” take of the PC gaming community’s and Wright fan club’s biggest game to release this September.

Costing no more than the Collector’s Edition of independently-developed Sins of a Solar Empire, the special SKU of Spore (also on Nintendo Wii, DS, Mac, and Mobile) comes with two exclusive DVD videos, one from EA and another from National Geographic. It’ll also come with double the reading materials: a premium 100-page manual on the galaxy (in Spore) and a hardcover art book of mini proportions. There’s also a poster to boot.

The whole package could be had for just US$ 79.99 per, and knowing EA, you’re bound to see one alongside the regular Spore SKU in a retail store near you when September 7 hits. We have heard no word of limited editions for the other platforms, so we guess this is it. The IT.

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