Square Enix cracks down on Chrono Trigger fan projects, including Crimson Echoes

Crimson Echoes to stop at 98% completion - Image 1Even if Chrono Trigger stands as one of the best RPGs ever to come out the then Squaresoft bag of tricks, you might say that Square Enix didn’t follow-up on the fame as well as the fans would like. So along came Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes, a fan-created ROM hack sequel to the time-travelling adventures of Crono and company. Unfortunately for the devs of the project, Square Enix just whipped out the dreaded C&D order, demanding that they destroy the 98% complete project. You might feel as bad as I do especially after you watch the trailer.

Even if Chrono Trigger stands as one of the best RPGs ever to come out the then Squaresoft bag of tricks, you might say that Square Enix didn’t follow-up on the fame as well as the fans would like. So along came Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes, a fan-created ROM hack sequel to the time-travelling adventures of Crono and company.

Unfortunately for the devs of the project, Square Enix just whipped out the dreaded C&D order, demanding that they destroy the 98% complete project. You might feel as bad about it as I do especially after you watch this trailer.

According to the project site, cirmsonechoes.com, “By May 2009, the game featured ~35 hours of game play, 10 multiple endings, and 23 chapters, much like the original Chrono Trigger; it was around 98% complete. The plot featured the original cast as they struggled against a new villain risen from the legacy of Zeal.” Oh man! What I wouldn’t give for more Triple Tech-ing!

So now, that trailer seems to be one of the few things that’s left of the project. The devs must already have begun compliance with the order since the crimsonechoes.com has been taken down, and it might not be long before the trailer gets pulled from YouTube. Square Enix also sent letters to other fan projects, including Chrono Compendium, which has already Luminaired itself of content and forums related to ROM-hacking Chrono Trigger.

ZealitY from Chrono Compendium had this to say in reply:

We do not accept the validity of Square Enix’s claims, nor the legal rationale underpinning their position. Nonetheless, we are complying with their demands so as to avoid the expenses and burdens of litigation, because, frankly, they can afford a frivolous lawsuit more than we can.

We thank all those who have been involved in the affected projects for their spirited energy over the years, and we look forward to the day when non-profit, fan-made projects will be properly recognized as a fan-base boon and marketing opportunity tool, rather than silenced as innocent victims of prohibitively interpreted copyright law.

Now there’s some good work gone to waste. Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes really did seem like a great idea. Perhaps something good may come out of this if Square Enix took the hint and came up with something better than a crappy DS remake.

Via Kombo

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