Street Fighter II Turbo HD submitted to Sony, coming this November?
Street Fighter II Turbo HD has already been submitted to Sony, and Capcom is looking forward to hitting the target date. Fans are expecting to see the classic on HD soon, but are they getting it on both platforms on the same day? More in the full article.
Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD has already been submitted to Sony and we’re looking at a possible November release – at least that’s what Capcom‘s target is. It’s a pretty bleak scenario, though, that it would come out on both platforms (PS3, Xbox 360) simultaneously.
“November is indeed the target month,” says Capcom corporate officer Christian Svensson. “It’s a month where hopefully the last of the big retail releases finish up and a clean window for digital begins again.”
We’re certainly hoping we don’t miss our date (it could still happen… I did have some concern when Mr. Kramer shared the target). However, the original question had to do with Sony not lagging MS in the release.
It is possible for us to bounce the submission on one and not the other which would cause the release to potentially not be simultaneous and still be released in November on one of the two.
When and if we get full approval on both, we’ll let you know.
In the meantime, anticipation builds as it’s now November, and we may be only a few weeks away from playing Street Fighter 2 Turbo in glorious HD.
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