Stupid Politician Tricks – Congress And ‘Violent’ Video Games on The Daily Show

US CongressI’m not supposed to write political content on this blog.

Too “controversial,” say the editors.  In fact, this is my third version of the same article – I guess the truth I was pointing out would hurt too many feelings, or make people think about things they’d rather not think about.

Apparently, however, it’s okay for Jon Stewart on the Daily Show to do this. And when Jon Stewart does it – then it’s okay to bring it to you here.

The current issue is YOUR video games.  The moral, “family-values” oriented, make-em-take personal responsibility-let’s-bring-freedom-and-democracy-to-the-world U.S. Congress is coming after YOUR video games.

They’re some concern that they are “de-sensitizing” young people to violence. (Meanwhile,  U.S. Army is desperate to recruit soldiers for an increasingly unpopular military occupation – and I have it on good authority that violence is what warfare is all about. Am I missing something, here…?)

Sorry – I’m starting to get “political,” here. That’s not my place.

It is, however, Jon Stewart’s place – and that of Congress, who actually speak for themselves in this little gem of a video clip. Watch… If you dare…

Via You Tube

US CongressI’m not supposed to write political content on this blog.

Too “controversial,” say the editors.  In fact, this is my third version of the same article – I guess the truth I was pointing out would hurt too many feelings, or make people think about things they’d rather not think about.

Apparently, however, it’s okay for Jon Stewart on the Daily Show to do this. And when Jon Stewart does it – then it’s okay to bring it to you here.

The current issue is YOUR video games.  The moral, “family-values” oriented, make-em-take personal responsibility-let’s-bring-freedom-and-democracy-to-the-world U.S. Congress is coming after YOUR video games.

They’re some concern that they are “de-sensitizing” young people to violence. (Meanwhile,  U.S. Army is desperate to recruit soldiers for an increasingly unpopular military occupation – and I have it on good authority that violence is what warfare is all about. Am I missing something, here…?)

Sorry – I’m starting to get “political,” here. That’s not my place.

It is, however, Jon Stewart’s place – and that of Congress, who actually speak for themselves in this little gem of a video clip. Watch… If you dare…

Via You Tube

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