Super Sale: DualShock 3 Docking Station for under 3 bucks
Here’s one deal that will probably keep you busy this weekend. 1saleaday is offering on their website a 2 Port USB DualShock 3 Docking station. For how much, you ask? For an unbelievable US$ 3.
Here’s one deal that will probably keep you busy this weekend. 1saleaday is offering on their website a 2 Port USB DualShock 3 Docking station. For how much, you ask? For an unbelievable US$ 3.
Even less, actually. It’s US$ 2.99, including free shipping! Considering that the original price is at US$ 30, that’s practically just a little under a full 100% discount!
While the listing does not divulge information on the manufacturer, or quality of the item, you have to admit that price is tempting.
Check out the site below and see for yourself. It’s just three bucks anyway.
Via [1saleaday]