Super Smash Bros. Brawl update: Lucas’ psychic powers exposed
Just because Ness doesn’t seem to be a playable character in the latest iteration of the Super Smash Bros. series, it doesn’t mean that players who enjoyed using him in the past games will be deprived of some butt-kicking PK action in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii.
Smash Bros. Dojo opens the week by revealing some powerful moves from Lucas, the successor to the previous games’ resident psychic brawler. More details on this on the full article.
Just because Ness doesn’t seem to be a playable character in the latest iteration of the Super Smash Bros. series, it doesn’t mean that players who enjoyed using him in the past games will be deprived of some butt-kicking PK action in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii.
Smash Bros. Dojo opens the week by revealing some powerful moves from Lucas, the successor to the previous games’ resident psychic brawler. While some of their attacks have some similarities, it doesn’t mean Lucas doesn’t have a few new tricks up his sleeve.
On the get go, you’ll notice that Lucas’ basic attack moves bear some differences from Ness’ own psychic-powered moves. However, after checking out his special moves list, Lucas takes the names of most of his moves from Ness’ own with a few added bonuses.
A lot of Ness’ moves from the previous games leave him open to a lot of attacks if he happens to miss hitting the opponent with his own. Lucas seems to have remedied that handicap by adding a lot more control into his own PK moves like his PK Fire and Freeze attacks. Nothing says pain more than a psychic flavored attack with the element of your choice.
Lucas definitely lives up to Ness name and perhaps more. This spices up the gameplay for those players who enjoy using characters with a little more mind over matter (sorry, I couldn’t resist). In any case, you can check out the rest of the screenshots we have of Lucas’ great moves. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is set to be released exclusively on the Nintendo Wii this coming February.