Wii gets Commander Keen homebrew
Wiibrew dev bigs has released Commander K. Wii, allowing you to play the first 3 episodes of Commander Keen on the Wii. bigs, this is the first time I’ve seen one of your Wiibrew, but you are the man. I loved this series when I was a kid. Anyway, details after the link.
Download: Commander K. Wii
Wiibrew dev bigs has released Commander K. Wii, allowing you to play the first 3 episodes of Commander Keen on the Wii.
bigs, this is the first time I’ve seen one of your Wiibrew, but you are the man. I loved this series when I was a kid.
Note that this is just a port of the CloneKeen game engine by Caitlin Shaw, so you’ll still need the original .CK* data files from the original episodes to play them. However, bigs has provided the first episode along with the download.
To play the first episode, copy the .CK* files in the same directory as boot.dol. The Wiimote is used horizontally for this game (no motion-sensing, what did you expect? :p). There are still a few bugs here and there, but bigs says he’s hunting them down. Here are the controls:
- 1: Skip intro scene
- 2: Select Episode
- Up, Down: Select menu options
Game Controls:
- Left, Right: move Commander Keen
- 2: Jump
- 1: Use Gun
- B: Use Pogo stick
- -: Pause
- Home: Quit
Download: Commander K. Wii
Via Wiibrew.org