Surf the net on the Wii: a hack
Some enterprising fellows have figured out a way to hack the Wii. It isn’t just any hack though: it essentially lets you go on the net through Wii’s Shopping Channel without waiting for Opera to be operational on the console.
Volsfan91, our tipster, took a video of his own attempt at doing the workaround. He picked up the tutorial from a forum post, which we won’t cite unless we want to wake up next to Nintendo’s lawyers tomorrow. While it seems like a moot point, given that Opera will head to the Wii soon enough, this is a rather interesting way of forcibly getting something you want out of your hardware.
In any case, enjoy the video, and if you have an idea of how else this can be applied for the Wii, let us know.
Some enterprising fellows have figured out a way to hack the Wii. It isn’t just any hack though: it essentially lets you go on the net through Wii’s Shopping Channel without waiting for Opera to be operational on the console.
Volsfan91, our tipster, took a video of his own attempt at doing the workaround. He picked up the tutorial from a forum post, which we won’t cite unless we want to wake up next to Nintendo’s lawyers tomorrow. While it seems like a moot point, given that Opera will head to the Wii soon enough, this is a rather interesting way of forcibly getting something you want out of your hardware.
In any case, enjoy the video, and if you have an idea of how else this can be applied for the Wii, let us know.